When we are in pain it impacts everything we do– at work, home or play.

Pain in your head, neck, back or other joints makes it harder to live your life, let alone enjoy it. 

Nate Gay, an experienced, compassionate physical therapist is an expert in helping you move beyond your pain to live better.

Nate will spend all the time you need to make sure you are well-cared for and in the driver’s seat of your own health– in fact, he guarantees it. 

Call to schedule a free consultation to discuss your problem and find out if he can help. No pressure– just a friendly conversation with an expert who cares. 

Call  540.529.9381 today, or go to the “Request an Appointments” tab above to schedule online.


Primary :

Primary Solutions Physical Therapy provides physical therapy services without the need for a physician referral. This allows you to get started on your rehabilitation right away after injury or other disabling event. Primary Solutions seeks to be your primary care provider for all types of musculoskeletal injuries and problems.

Solutions :

Primary Solutions Physical Therapy offers solutions for your musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction. Skilled therapy is provided by Dr. Nate Gay, a board-certified orthopedic specialist in physical therapy with more than 17 years of experience. He has been certified in the Mulligan Concept technique of manual therapy, and has also received training in the cervical and lumbar McKenzie Method for spinal care. Dr. Gay’s treatment philosophy is based on quality and quantity of one-on-one time, developing and implementing a plan of care that incorporates a personalized combination of hands-on techniques and patient-generated movement strategies. This individualized focus is designed to help you achieve your recovery more quickly.

Payment Solutions:

As a direct-pay physical therapy practice, Primary Solutions eliminates many of the traditional insurance-based concerns such as copays, caps, or visit limits. Instead, patients pay directly to the business and receive a receipt that in some cases may be submitted to insurance for partial reimbursement. For many individuals who have high insurance deductibles or high copays, the reasonable rates for Primary Solutions Physical Therapy services may actually be a cost savings. Taking the guesswork out of payment allows for increased focus and independence in helping you reach your goals.